It's here!

Artspace Commons has a brand new GREENbike station -- one of the largest in the GREENbike network! This solar-powered station fits in perfectly with our LEED Gold certified and net-zero energy buildings on the block!

As a nonprofit with a mission to create affordable housing and work space, Artspace is always looking for ways to lower the living expenses of our tenants. Next to housing, transportation costs are the second highest expense for Salt Lake City households. The average Utah household is spending nearly 30% of its budget on transportation while low-income households are spending closer to 40%. According to HUD, the average annual costs of owning a car range from $6,000 to $12,000 annually. We're grateful that GREENbike has made it possible for our tenants to get around town for just one cent every year. (If you're a tenant, be sure to ask your property manager for the promo code to sign up for this discounted annual pass!)

Artspace and GREENbike both know that when our communtiy's basic needs are supported -- needs like housing and transportation -- our neighborhoods, our community and our city thrive. We are grateful to be working alongside partners like GREENbike to support our community in this way -- adding vibrancy, art, activity and little more GREEN to Salt Lake City's streets!

Where will you be biking today?